A.C.Camargo Next Frontiers

Dados do Resumo


Aerobic training in tumor-bearing mice attenuates hallmarks of triple negative breast cancer


Like other diseases, cancer results from a combination of genetic and environmental risk factors. Among these, insufficient physical activity stands out as a significant external contributor to cancer development. Researchers have explored the protective effects of exercise and have investigated how it interacts with immune cells in tumors. However, the molecular mechanisms, mainly proteomics tumour profile, responsible for cancer phenotypes are not fully understood.


To understand how exercise can modulate tumor protein expression in triple negative breast cancer


C57BL/6 Female mice (10-12 weeks old) were orthotopically injected with a triple negative breast cancer cell line (E0771) or saline (control). The group that received the tumour cells was subdivided in: a) moderate aerobic training protocol (60% of maximum speed, 5 days/week for 4 weeks) or b) sedentary. During exercise protocol, tumour growth was measured post protocol, and tissue was collected for proteomics and histological analysis. Proteomics signatures were determined using Liquid Chromatography - Mass Spectrometry. Independent t-test was used to compare tumour from both groups and p<0.05 was considered significant.


No changes were observed in the tumour weight or volumes, however, other tissues such as the spleen and subcutaneous adipose tissue seems to be affected by exercise. An overview of all identified proteins shows 2065 proteins identified by LC-MS/MS analysis in tumour. Partial Least-Squares Discriminant Analysis (PLS-DA) reveals clear differences in the patterns of protein abundance levels. The variability in data captured by PLS-DA along PC1 and PC2 were 9,5% and 9%, respectively, which allows us to identify distinct clustering among experimental groups. Were found 87 proteins upregulated by exercise, which were involved mainly in biological processes such as, macroautophagy, catabolic processes and cellular response to interferon-beta. On the other hand, 71 proteins were downregulated in trained mice. Among them, the proteins were associated with organelle disassembling and regulation of T Cell migration.


Despite no changes in tumour size, exercise was able to modify, at protein level,
many important biological processes that orchestrate tumour development, mainly by changes in metabolism and the immune system pathways. These promising findings reinforce the potential of exercise as a coadjutant therapy for oncological patients.

Financiador do resumo

FAPESP 2019/09679-2

Palavras Chave

Physical exercise; Breast cancer; oncological therapies


7.Pesquisa básica/translacional


Loreana Sanches Silveira, Loreana Sanches Silveira, Alexandre Abílio de Souza TEIXEIRA, Alexandre Abílio de Souza TEIXEIRA, Ivo V SOUSA-NETO , Ivo V SOUSA-NETO , José Cesar Rosa-Neto, José Cesar Rosa-Neto