A.C.Camargo Next Frontiers

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Preparation of Healthcare Professionals for Oncological Care of the Transgender Population: Development and Validation of an Assessment Instrument


Although progress has been made in legislation aimed at ensuring equality and diversity in healthcare access for gender minorities, there remains a lack of guidelines for cancer screening and care for this population. Additionally, cis-heteronormative assumptions, which are often held by healthcare professionals, can create barriers in the patient-care provider relationship. The literature highlights the lack of preparedness among professionals to serve gender minorities and the low level of education provided by health-related undergraduate and postgraduate programs concerning the health of this population. However, the literature employs a variety of methodological approaches, emphasizing the need for specific tools to assess this competence.


To develop and validate an instrument for assessing the oncological knowledge of healthcare professionals regarding the transgender population.


This methodological study, employing a quantitative approach, was conducted at a Cancer Center located in the state of São Paulo. The study was approved by the Research Ethics Committee (CEP) under the number CAAE: 65531822.9.0000.5432 and consisted of four stages: literature review and instrument development; content validation by experts in the field; pilot testing; and psychometric analysis. The theoretical foundation was based on Pasquali's assumptions, and the instrument's construction was informed by a scoping review on the topic. Expert validation was conducted using the Delphi technique. The pilot test was conducted online via the RedCap platform between April and September 2023.


The study obtained a sample size of 133 participants. Exploratory Factor Analysis indicated an instrument with seven categories, which was then subjected to Confirmatory Factor Analysis, yielding the following results: P-value (Chi-square) = 0.001; CFI = 0.924; TLI = 0.895; RMSEA = 0.063; SRMR = 0.067.


Despite its limitations, the results of this study provide initial evidence that the instrument "PREPARATION OF HEALTHCARE PROFESSIONALS FOR ONCOLOGICAL CARE OF THE TRANSGENDER POPULATION" is a reliable and valid tool.

Palavras Chave

1 Oncology 2 Transgender Persons 3 Professional Competence


3.Enfermagem Oncológica


FERNANDA FACHETTI XAVIER DE ALMEIDA, Cremilson de Paula Silva, Ricardo Souza Evangelista Sant’Ana, Ruan Nilton Rodrigues Melo