MCGILL UNIVERSITY HEALTH CENTREDr. Sadeghi is a professor and Chair of the Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery at McGill. He is the Chief of the Department of McGill University Health Centre and Director of McGill Head and Neck Cancer Program.
He is a graduate of McGill Medicine and residency in OTLHNS, followed by a fellowship in Head and Neck Surgery in Chicago. Following his early career at McGill, he moved to George Washington University in Washington, DC, as Director of Head and Neck Surgery until 2017. His research focus includes cancer biology, human papillomavirus (HPV) and head and neck cancer, quality of life, and outcome research after head and neck cancer treatment. His research in oropharyngeal cancer has led to new paradigm of surgical de-escalation with transoral robotic surgery.
10:15 às 12:00 - De-escalonamento de Terapia em Câncer de Orofaringe HPV relacionado: Mito ou Realidade?
10:15 às 10:35 - Qual a melhor estratégia de de-escalonamento em tumores de orofaringe HPV relacionado?
Palestrante (Confirmado)
10:15 às 12:00 - De-escalonamento de Terapia em Câncer de Orofaringe HPV relacionado: Mito ou Realidade?
10:35 às 11:15 - Casos clínicos: câncer de orofaringe HPV relacionado
Debatedor (Confirmado)
10:15 às 12:00 - De-escalonamento de Terapia em Câncer de Orofaringe HPV relacionado: Mito ou Realidade?
11:15 às 11:30 - Casos clínicos: discussões finais
Debatedor (Confirmado)